The Douglas County Herald from Ava, Missouri (2024)

DOUGLAS COUNTY HERALD AVA MISSOURI 65608 B-SEVEN THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27, 2016 trunk or treat and lawn chairs for seating. Sunday evening Bro. Bill welcomed everyone. Prayer requests and praise reports were given.

Sis. Janice Lafferty led in prayer. We praised the Lord in song. Testimonies were given by Hi Lambeth and Melba Austin. Bro.

Jim Lafferty was our speaker Sunday evening. He used scripture from Job 32. The older people should pass their wisdom down, but not ignore the youthful opinion. Pray for God to give you wisdome, study Gods word, it will guide you. God met with us at Caney today.

We are few in number, but the Lord is gracious to meet with us. Come be with us next Sunday afternoon and join in the fellowship. Holsteins: Large 3 pkg 280 lbs 105.00; pkg 389 lbs 105.00; pkg 445 lbs 93.00; few 450-500 lbs 91.00-95.00. Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large 1 pkg 280 lbs 127.00; few 300-400 lbs 1 10.00-1 15.00; 400-500 lbs 104.00-112.00; 500-600 lbs 103.00-116.00; few 600-650 lbs 102.00-106.50, fancy 62 libs 110.00; lot fleshy 733 lbs 101.00. Medium and Large 1-2 few 450-500 lbs 102.50; pkg 509 lbs 90.00; few 700-750 lbs 90.00-97.50; pkg 783 lbs 87.50.

Medium and Large 2 pkg 783 lbs 87.50. Feeder Bulls: Medium and Large 1 few 450-500 lbs 117.00-118.00 few 500-550 lbs 108.00-1 10.00 few 550-600 lbs 100.00-110.50 pkg 729 lbs 92.00. Medium and Large 1-2 few 500-550 lbs 101.00-112.00; few 550-600 lbs 94.00-100.00. Medium and Large 2 pkg 512 lbs 96.00; pkg 660 lbs 87.50. Slaughter Cows: Breaking 70-80 Percent Lean Avg Dressing 5 1 High Dressing 56.00-58.50 Boning 80-85 Percent Lean Avg Dressing 51.00-58.50 High Dressing 58.00-61.00 Low Dressing 50.00-51.00 Lean 85-90 Percent Lean Avg Dressing 49.00-54.50 High Dressing 59.00 Low Dressing 43.00-49.00 MO Dept of Ag-USDA Market News Ava-Douglas County Livestock Auction 102016 Feeder Cattle Auction Receipts: 829 Week Ago: 858 Year Ago: 1408 Compare to last week, steer and heifer calves sold mostly 4.00-5.00 higher on a few comparable weights.

Feeder steers and heifers have no comparison due to a very light test last week. Trade was moderate to active, on moderate demand. Slaughter cows sold 3.00 lower. Slaughter bulls 3.00-5.00 lower. Near 18 percent of the offering were replacement cows, slaughter cows and bulls.

The feeder supply included 54 percent steers, 36 percent heifers, 10 percent bulls, with 33 percent over 600 lbs. Feeder Steers: Medium and Large 1 350-400 lbs 122.50-128.00; 400-500 lbs 118.00-130.50; 500-600 lbs 110.00-126.00; 600-650 lbs 116.00-121.50, calves 110.00-117.00; 650-700 lbs 108.00-110.00, calves 107.50-108.00. Medium and Large 1-2 pkg 467 lbs 114.00; pkg 538 lbs 117.50; 550-600 lbs 105.00-115.50; 600-650 lbs few 105.00-108.00; few 650-700 lbs 109.00-1 10.00. Medium and Large 2 pkg 493 lbs 107.50. Large 3 pkg 357 lbs 105.00.

Express Clydesdales made a special- appearance at Cross Point Church here Sunday, Oct. 16, to assist members with a mission trip to Nicaragua. Several are loaded up to take a ride with the massive draft horses in the photo above. Garrett Bovard of Ava is a handlerdriver for the Express Clydesdales. Douglas County jail? Or, perhaps been a resident If so, you know first-hand that the jail will not meet the new 2017 jail standards.

If our present jail is shut down due to not meeting 2017 state requirements (already threatened), our prisoners will need to be housed elsewhere and that will really hit your tax dollars! Enjoy our autumn and do remember to pray for all. ST. FRANCIS CHURCH (Jary ester Sunday, October 23 was the Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity. Bishop Hartley based his sermon on the gospel for the day, St. Matthew 28:21, in which Peter asks Jesus how many times he should forgive someone who sins against him, and "Jesus saith unto him, 1 say not unto thee, until seven times, but until seventy times seven." The Bishop noted that one line of the Lord's Prayer has caused much controversy, "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against and in this gospel passage Jesus addresses this question.

According to Jewish tradition of the time, one had to forgive seven times, but what Jesus is saying here is that numbers are not important and we must show consideration whenever we are asked. Jesus then goes on to illustrate this point in the Parable of the Wicked Servant in which a man begs forgiveness of his debt to the king (or God, symbolically), but refuses to forgive a debt to himself and is punished by the king. Jesus' message here is that what we expect from God we must also show to other people. During prayer time Bishop Hartley said a birthday prayer for Beverly Hartley whose birthday is the 25th, and a rest in peace prayer for Rita's friend Beverly Vyskocil who recently passed away from cancer. Today was our designated Fall work day so after the service many stayed for a lunch of sandwiches, chips and brownies and then set to work at various tasks, cleaning the building and raking, trimming, and cleaning the grounds and flower beds.

We were blessed with beautiful weather so quite a bit got done. For information on St. Francis Anglican (Traditional Episcopal) Church visit our website at This Day In History October 27 1984 Washington Slate's Kuchcn Mayes sets college football record of 357 yards rushing 1985 Kansas City Royals heat Si. Louis Cardinals 4 games to 82nd World Series heart disease.

Cigarettes and secondhand smoke are a leading cause of disease," said Tom Keller, OMC President and CEO. "We want to improve lives by improving health. Helping people avoid health problems that can be prevented by stopping smoking will achieve a healthier community." The public can enroll in this free program by calling Ruth Nabors at 417-257-5959, extension 6905. Please leave your name, phone number, and address on the voicemail and you will be contacted. The classes are limited to the first 15 to enroll.

broadband networks for rural communities, rural community economic development, improving soil and water conservation efforts, assisting with locally led food initiatives and farmers markets, forest health and management, farm lending and equipment loans and rural housing. For more information on StrikeForce, visit the Missouri NRCS ebsite at or contact the NRCS office serving your county. Meeting dates, times and locations are as follow Nov. 1, 10 a.m.-Noon Ste. Genevieve Community Center (St.

Genevieve); Nov. 1, 3 p.m. 5 p.m., Clinton Building (Sikeston); Nov. 2, 9:30 a.m.-l City of Houston Storm Shelter (Houston); Nov. 2, 3 p.m.-5 p.m., Mount Vernon Arts Recreation Center (Mount Vernon); Nov.

3, 9 a.m.-l 1 a.m., Springfield Botanical Gardens (Springfield). DOGWOOD RAMBLINGS Carol Boediieker-Qenet Mv yard was mowed again and now the leaves are everywhere, including the eave troughs. Trying to find someone to clean the eave troughs is like pulling hens teeth. We have been blessed with some rather beautiful weather in 2016, so far. Let us hope and pray winter isn't a disaster.

We like to think that our opinions are correct although we, too, can be misled from what we see and hear. Many hang on to their life long political and religious beliefs regardless of the truths that come to them. Sunday's homily pointed out that many don't understand the message from the Gospels, that we must have compassion and humility. Do you remember the adage of giving man a fish and he eats for a day and if you teach him to fish he can eat for a lifetime. How very, very sad that many think it is one of their rights as a citizen to live off the generosity and hard labor of others rather than do what they can to support themselves.

If you live in Douglas County you have probably already heard that you may have to change your health insurance as Douglas County residents are no longer covered by one of the major companies. Good luck with finding different insurance that wont take you into bankruptcy. It seems this situation is another victim of Obamacare. November 8lh is our election and it is hoped you are looking down the long road and that your choices are for honesty, fidelity, and the survival of our nation. Dont fall for the cleverly planned advertisem*nts by big money moguls and do think hard about past behaviors of candidates and their minions.

Have you even been to the 353355535555553553 Farm Fork and Fiddle Now Open for Dinner! Storting Nov. 1 New Hours 10 am to 6 pm 391 Third St. Gainesville (one block off the square) jv (g Local Foods iFiDDlEl By the Community For -W Your CANEY CHURCH Janice Lafferty October 12lh Caney Church is planning a hayride, bon fire, weiner roast, trunk or treat for October 30lh. More details coming. Services Wednesday evening began with singing.

Prayer requests and praise reports were taken. Bro. Hi Lambeth led in prayer. Bro. Jim Lafferty was our leader.

He read Psalms 41. This is the Psalm of the rejection of Christ. Dont feel alone when others reject you with Christ, you are in good company. Wonderful scripture was read and we had a good discussion. Sis.

Melba Austin taught our youth a good lesson. Sunday, October 23 Sunday school opened with singing. Bro. Jack Essary welcomed everyone. Several have been sick and some on vacation, so our numbers have been down.

Prayer requests and praise reports were taken. Bro. Jim Lafferty led in prayer. Jack read Psalms 1 10 for our devotion. There will be aday of judgment, turn to Christ before its too late.

After a very good Sunday school lesson, we began praise and worship. Testimonies were given by Jim Lafferty, Hi Lambeth, Jeff Shipley and Janice Lafferty. Service continued with congregational singing. Melissa Harmon, Hi Lambeth, Melba Austin and Dorothy Stratton did specials. Pastor Bill Austin spoke this Sunday from Joel We are in the valley of decision today.

In our nations time we are in the greatest valley of decision we have ever faced. Be sure and pray before every decision. America needs to turn to God. Earnestly pray for His wisdome. Christians seek the face of God, pray for our nation.

October 30 Caney will be having a hayride and other activities beginning at 2:00 p.m. All are welcome. We will have a weiner roast after the hayride and special singers. Bring candy for Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1-2 1145-2410 lbs, 71.00-79.50; High Dressing 84.00, Low Dressing 63.00-71.00. Replacement Cows: Medium and Large 1 3-5 yrs old pkg 1090 lbs 3-6 months bred 1 150.00 per head; individual 6 yr old 6-9 months bred 1200.00 per head.

Medium and Large 1-2 few 2-4 yrs old 880-1350 lbs 3-6 months bred 975.00-1050.00 per head; 5-7 yrs old 1090-1530 lbs 3-6 months bred 925.00-1150.00 per head. Medium and Large 2-3 yrs old few 795 lbs 725.00-750.00 per head. CowCalf Pairs: Medium and Large 1-2 few 4 yrs old 1235-1440 lb cows w150 lb calves 1170.00-1225.00 per pair. Source: MO Dept of AgUSDA Market News Service, Ava, MO Baldemar Ortiz, Market Reporter, 573-751-5618 24 Hour Market Report 573-522-9244 www.ams.usda.govmnreports JC LS141.txt U.S. Department of Agriculture Holds StrikeForce Meetings in Southern Missouri COLUMBIA, Mo.

Oct. 19, 2016 -The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Rural Development (RD) will host StrikeForce for Rural Growth and Opportunity Initiative meetings in Houston, Mount Vernon, Sikeston, Ste. Genevieve and Springfield, November 1-3. Meetings are open to the public and provide attendees with an overview of StrikeForce while allowing time for questions from the audience.

A complete list of dates, times and locations is included below. The goal of StrikeForce, launched in 2010, is to reduce poverty through investment in rural communities and increase opportunities for farmers. To date, more than 1 ,500 StrikeForce partnerships have helped USDA support nearly 190,000 projects and invest $23.5 billion in high-poverty areas of 26 states with StrikeForce designation. Forty-six counties in Missouri were designated for the StrikeForce Initiative in 2016. StrikeForce builds on existing partnerships in rural communities and allows USDA to bring economic opportunities directly to rural Missourians, Stale Conservationist J.R.

Flores said. Working together with FSA and RD, we can assist in areas that include agricultural loans and financial assistance to producers, assistance with locally-led food production efforts and farmers markets, and community-based organizations working with poverty issues. Topics of discussion at Missouri's November meetings mav include Heifers OMC Offers Effective Way for Smokers to Overcome Tobacco Addiction Ozarks. Medical Center (OMC) and the American Lung Association will be offering the Freedom From Smoking program, an 8-week smoking cessation class for adults. Meetings will be held every.

Wednesday during the session beginning on Wednesday, November 9 at 9:00 a.m., in the OMC Pulmonary Rehab Conference Room in the Shaw Building. You must be registered by October 31 There is no cost for the program, but enrollment is required. As Americas gold standard smoking cessation program for over 25 years, Freedom From Smoking helps participants create personalized plans to overcome their tobacco addiction. With a recent new edition, the program is' based on the latest research on addiction and behavior change. It approaches the difficulties of quitting with a sensitive, supportive style.

Studies show that people who use the program are six times more likely to be smoke-free one year later than those who try to quit on their own. According to Ruth Nabors, Pulmonary Rehab Coordinator at OMC, the program is especially helpful because it is taught by a trained facilitator who helps participants learn what triggers their smoking, hen they are most likely to smoke, and the best way to approach the quitting process. "Our Community Health Needs Assessment showed the need for OMC to address causes of cancer and 1 FARM1 the Community Detail 683 2205 tcORflC Service Center An rr Coma Sco Us Fct Your Fell Power Equipment Rcpelr tiseds tScadsfl IRJoodl SpDiftfteirs Aim HEUi STOCK Stihl Chainsaws 153553533557 rrrrrrrrrczazxjnca. Units kilty htt iiii 8 Miles South of Ava, MO on Hwy. 5 SALE BARN PIIONE: 417-683-3991 First Thursday of every month will be a Pre-Vac Accepting cattle from 9 a.m.

to 9 p.m. Wednesday all day during sale on Thursday Sale begins at 11 Dave McGill 417-860-0178 Joe Shannon 417 Derek McGill 417-543-3789 Danny Shannon 417 See Store Ava, Mo, poofw (L 1S3 Dealer YOU CAN'T GET ANY BETTER Bulls Carl E. Ch For "StrengtUhi for the Jooariniey" (This Week's Scripture) John 6:27 27) Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed. From Liberty Faith Bible Church, Norwood, "See You Sunday! Go to sermonaudio.comLibertyFaith for over 500 Audio Bible Messages Huff Ava, Missouri Angus, The Business Breed.

The Douglas County Herald from Ava, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.